Heat Pump Week

Get involved

We want to raise as much awareness as possible about heat pumps during the campaign week and beyond. Together, we can start conversations, improve understanding and generate genuine interest in these clean home heating solutions.

Whether you are an organisation or individual, there are a number of ways to get involved in Heat Pump Week this year (23-29 September 2024).

Founding Partner

In our inaugural year, we are welcoming a select number of organisations to be part of our journey and steer the direction of the heat pump movement. We’ll ensure your brand is synonymous with the campaign and offer you the opportunity to help set the narrative around heat pumps through our work with the government, local authorities, key trade bodies and the media.

Campaign Activations

If you would like to be directly part of Heat Pump Week, we have a number of great ways we can support you to raise awareness and show your commitment.

Throughout the week we will be working with key sponsors on campaign activations such as roadshows, bespoke events, content creation and thought leadership development. We’ll be leveraging our extensive media and public affairs experience to ensure we make a big noise and grab the attention of consumers, influencers, government and the press.

Campaign Involvement

If you aren’t able to be part of our main campaign activations, we’d still love you to take part in the week and help us raise as much awareness as possible.

Whether you are an installer with some great case studies to share, a manufacturer with a new product or promotion to shout about, or a publication who can help publish positive stories, we’d love to hear from you. Let us know your plans and we’ll help amplify your activities across our networks and channels.

Campaign Advocate

If you are an individual who owns a heat pump, an influencer in the sector or just have an interest in clean home heating, please do join us. There is no better way to spread the word than word of mouth!

Sharing your experiences will help others’ understanding. Heat Pump Week is a great excuse to host a coffee morning to talk about your heat pump journey, share your experience on social media, or simply engage and reshare some of the good news we’ll be communicating throughout the week.

Heat Pump week is brought to you by Green.TV Media, founders of the Heat Pump Summit and also World EV Day™, which achieved over 200 million Twitter/X impressions in 2023 and ranked in the top 4 sustainability campaigns worldwide on LinkedIn.